Vote Now

vote-your-values-logo_color.jpg"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

If you've already voted, thanks for doing your part.

If you haven't yet, please vote your values and remind at least one other person to get to the polls today.  

Here's a short summary of the recommendations Alaska Family Action has made regarding today's General Election - 

For additional information on other candidates, please visit to review our 2014 Values Voter Guide.

CheckMark.jpegU.S. Senator  - Dan Sullivan

Governor - Sean Parnell

NO on Ballot Measure 2

State Senate District N - Cathy Giessel
State Senate District K - Mia Costello
House District 15 - Gabrielle LeDoux
House District 22 - Liz Vazquez
House District 16 - Don Hadley


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