ACTION ALERT - Please call Congressman Don Young at (202) 225-5765 to -
1) Thank him for his past support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and
2) Ask him why Republican leadership pulled the same bill (new term) yesterday
The U.S. House of Representatives was planning to vote on a bill banning most abortions after five months of pregnancy – a point at which a baby can feel pain and survive long-term outside the womb.
From Heritage Action for America -
"Last night, House Republican leadership pulled the bill. Instead, they’ll consider the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 7). While a good bill, it is outrageous they pulled the original five-month abortion ban bill, also known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36). Leadership is suggesting they will re-work the legislation, but they must feel the pressure of the grassroots to keep the pressure up for this landmark legislation for the life of children."
- A recent Quinnipiac poll found 60% of Americans favor limited abortion after five months, including 59% of women and 57% of millennials.
- This Congress cannot abandon or water down the 5-month abortion ban. You need to fight for this.
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