Fostering Hope

Foster_Conference_Logo.jpgScripture is filled with mandates for us to care for the poor, the orphaned and the needy. 

But how does that play out in our everyday lives filled with work commitments, family pressures, schedules and limited resources ?

As a pro-family, pro-life ministry, we are humbled and privileged to be a part of connecting the "throw-aways" in our culture to families who desire to step up and "defend the poor and fatherless."  In that light, please consider attending a forum in Anchorage this Friday, November 1st at Wayland Baptist University that will provide tangible opportunities to bring hope to the hopeless.  From the Fostering Hope Forum website - 

"Arrow Child and Family Foundation presents the Fostering Hope Forum to Alaska as a way of helping children and strengthening families across the state of Alaska. This one day forum is devoted to educating, promoting, resourcing and mobilizing a community of church and civic leaders, child welfare professionals, and caring families as we connect to foster hope for abused, vulnerable children and families of Alaska."

The conference will have a Church Ministry Track, a Social Services Track and and an Education Track for families already and wanting to serve children in foster care or adoption environments.  

Click here for more info and to register.  

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