Let Legislators Know Where You Stand

In politics it is often said that some people don't see the light until they feel the heat.  In other words, as citizens engage and clearly communicate to their elected officials about an issue, the tide can turn.  Right now is when we need that to happen. 

Today at 1:00pm, if you are able, please call in and testify in support of HB173 - the House bill that clarifies what a "medically necessary" abortion is in order for it to be covered by Medicaid - a federal/state cooperative health care program for needy people.

The number to call is 855-463-5009.  Testimony is limited to 2 minutes per person. Here are a few talking points you might want to consider.

  • Nationally, the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research arm formally associated with Planned Parenthood, has said that only 4% of abortions are "medically necessary".
  • In Alaska, nearly 40% of abortions in our state are paid for by Medicaid.
  • Abortionists are abusing the system and are saying that if a woman simply doesn't want to be pregnant anymore, for whatever reason, her abortion is "medically necessary"
  • Taxpayers should not have to foot the bill to terminate the life of an unborn child simply because a woman chooses to have an elective abortion.

To put things into perspective, through the language of images, we offer the following - please share far and wide.


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  • Jack Abd Allah
    commented 2013-12-31 10:37:16 -0900
    Thank you