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"Every single human being who has reached puberty has to deal with some kind of sexual temptation.  For some, that profile of temptation is homosexual; for others it is heterosexual.  The key issue for both is what God commands concerning our stewardship of sexuality and the gift of sex."   Al Mohler, Presidernt of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary who wrote those words also said that "we speak about homosexuality because we speak on the basis of divinely revealed truth.  Our own ideas and conceptions of homosexuality are not authoritative.  Our duty is to understand the mind and intention of God."

How can Christians responsibly and gracefully engage a culture that has embraced homosexuality ? What are the church's gospel responsibilities and opportunities with respect to a cultural phenomenon that can no longer be ignored ?

Please join us for two town hall-style events, in Anchorage and in Palmer, that will give us the biblical grammar to shape our speech and hearts in order to speak the Truth with love regarding this new sexual revolution.

We will be joined by the following four thoughtful voices who will help us dive deeper into this issue in a manner that draws us closer to the Cross. 

  • Melinda Selmys - Canadian Catholic Blogger and Author - Sexual Authenticity
  • Eric Teetsel - Writer, Speaker and Executive Director of Manhattan Declaration
  • Peter Hubbard - Pastor and Author - Love into Light
  • Jeff Johnston - Gender Issues Analyst - Focus on the Family 


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  • Daniel Son
    followed this page 2014-04-25 17:20:48 -0800
  • Josh Hemsath
    signed up 2014-04-08 10:26:24 -0800