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Alaska Family Action is recommending that Governor Sean Parnell be re-elected as the Governor of our great state.
Governor Parnell, in our view, will work the hardest to advance a culture of life, protect natural marriage, strengthen our religious liberties, and restrain a judiciary that routinely exceeds its Constitutional authority.
Here are at least ten (10) reasons why we give a “thumbs up” recommendation to re-elect Governor Parnell -
- Parnell SUPPORTS an amendment clarifying that Alaska's State Constitution does not contain a right to abortion or the right for public funding for abortions.
- Parnell OPPOSES government funding of Planned Parenthood.
- Parnell SIGNED INTO LAW Senate Bill 49, the legislation designed to eliminate public funding of elective, non-medically necessary abortions.
- Parnell ADOPTED REGULATIONS that also sought to accomplish the goal of SB 49, to stop taxpayer subsidies for abortions carried out for no medical reason whatsoever.
- Parnell is DEFENDING Alaska's marriage amendment that was just ruled unconstitutional by Judge Burgess – and he’s vowed to appeal this erroneous decision.
- Parnell favors PROTECTING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM by opposing so-called sexual orientation/gender identity “non-discrimination” laws that really discriminate against Christian-owned businesses trying to operate in accord with their owner’s beliefs.
- Parnell SUPPORTS empowering parents to choose the best education for their children, whether that education is found at a public, private, or religious school.
- Parnell SUPPORTS legislation that would prohibit the Alaska Judicial Council from using public funds to campaign for or against judges who are up for retention.
- Parnell OPPOSES the legalization of recreational marijuana in Alaska.
- Parnell has made GOOD APPOINTMENTS to the various departments, boards, and commissions that have a significant impact on pro-family public policy.
For more information on where Governor Parnell stands on these and other issues, visit the Alaska Family Council voter guide website, HERE.
So what about Bill Walker?
Although Bill Walker and his wife Donna have been personal friends to this ministry, there are several reasons why he is not the best candidate to lead our State -
- While we appreciate his individual statements and efforts supporting pro-family, pro-life positions, he is asking Alaskans to trust him as the leader of our state. As such, we expect him to lead on our issues if he expects our support. Walker has made it clear that he is "not running on social issues" and has even told us, "there are many better called and equipped to carry the banner of social conservatism."
- Walker refused to fill out the Alaska Family Council candidate survey. A famous drummer once said, "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." Although Walker filled out our survey during his 2010 bid to become Governor, he told us he would not complete our survey for this 2014 election cycle. That decision is meaningful. Over the years, numerous candidates for statewide office – from Dan Sullivan to Sean Parnell to Don Young to Joe Miller to Lisa Murkowski – have all had the courage to go on record and address our issues, even when they don’t agree with our positions 100 percent of the time. Our organization is about advancing good public policies. A reluctance to fill out our survey speaks volumes.
- Walker has hitched his train with a Lt. Gov. candidate and with a political party that is vitriolic in its opposition to our agenda as social conservatives. The Democrats will be watching every move Walker makes to ensure that he isn't out of line with their relentless attempts to keep abortion readily available and to redefine marriage and other fundamental institutions critical to our state. Having Byron Mallott a heartbeat away from the Governor’s office does not engender confidence from those who place a high value on how our culture is shaped.
- Walker has a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between fiscal and social public policy. One of the primary reasons for the massive growth of government in the past 50 years has been the failure of the family to function in its proper role. It is easy to demonstrate the direct and corresponding relationship between the brokenness of families and the growth of government spending, taxation, and regulation. The family is God’s original “department of health & social services.” When families fail, the government steps in to save what’s decaying. This “state sponsored salvation” requires greater taxation and a growing bureaucracy to sustain this massive social safety net. Our families and our cultural heritage are every bit as important as any policy that helps lead to a balanced budget – and Bill Walker doesn’t seem to understand that you won’t achieve the latter unless you give more than “lip service” to the former.
Please be sure to vote on Tuesday, November 4th and we respectfully urge you to cast your ballot for Governor Sean Parnell - the candidate most likely to advance a socially conservative agenda that will protect life, marriage and religious liberty and rein in a judiciary eager to transform our culture in all the wrong ways.
This communication was paid for by Alaska Family Action, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. I am Jim Minnery, President of Alaska Family Action, Inc., and I approve this message. This NOTICE TO VOTERS is required by Alaska law. We certify that this mailing is not authorized, paid for, or approved by the candidate.
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Facebook TwitterAs for the Adam and Eve story, so let’s think about this..I may be bit twisted but okay so God created Adam, and from his rib as the story goes created Eve..obviously there was a bit of “begatting” going on in the Garden; for Eve gave birth to 2 sons..thus the beginning of mankind..now I have read Genesis over and over again in my 56 years of life..there is no mention of a wedding between Adam and Eve, nothing written that Eve gave birth to a daughter, nor that God created another woman for Cain or Able to “begat” with to procreate mankind, so my only educated conclusion is that Eve’s sons must of had a little bit of “begatting” going on with their Mother which in our contemporary society would be incest, unlawful in this day and age, or God created a few more men and women somewhere along the line..because after the book of Genesis there seemed to be a whole bunch of folks written about begatting a whole bunch of others..Eve must have been exhausted! So much for the religious right conservative “family values” when I mention this to some of my friends who support the conservative religious viewpoint they simply stutter :) Can’t seem to be able to explain it to me..as for my personal belief, I do believe I was created in my Creator’s image, just as I am..a gay male in his/her image to love myself 1st and honor, respect that I am a child of God for lack of a better term with gratitude for being me just as was intended.