Petition: Protect Our Children and Our Schools

We must ensure the privacy and safety of ALL Alaska school children.

Policies permitting, and in some cases, mandating access to restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms based on a person’s gender identity, rather than their biological sex, are being enacted across the country as part of an effort to push a political agenda. But this political agenda disregards common sense and leaves women and girls vulnerable. We must stand up and be counted.

Click HERE to view a short video of the consequences of allowing men into private areas intended for women and girls.



Alaska Family Action believes in the dignity of all human beings who are made in the image of God. Everyone deserves respect and when needed, accommodations to ensure privacy and safety.

We reject the false notion that transgendered individuals pose a threat to people's safety. At the same time, mounting evidence is showing that true predators are capitalizing on this misguided "mandate" by the Obama Administration. 

Children rely on adults to keep them safe.

We have a right and responsibility to protect our children, and the government has the duty to protect the safety, privacy, and dignity of all students in public schools.

Now, the Obama administration is denying parents that right and tying the hands of school officials by threatening to withhold federal funding for public schools that do not open up girls' locker rooms, restrooms, and showers to boys.

This lawless attack on schools and its threat to economically harm the state of Alaska is the latest attempt to coerce conformity with the Obama administration's political agenda.

Sign this petition to encourage Governor Bill Walker and all elected officials to join the actions of other Alaska leaders against the Obama administration's extreme overreach and stand up to protect the privacy and safety of Alaska's children. This petition will also be used to encourage Attorney General Craig Richards to taking necessary legal action to protect our children.

Enter your name and address to sign this petition and let your elected officials know that now is the time to stand up for the protection of all students in Alaska.

Download the petition here to gather signatures at your church or community center.

Newest_Logo_Vertical.jpgPetition: Protect Our Children and Our Schools in Alaska

I call on all Alaska elected officials to protect our children.

I will not put a price tag on the safety of our schoolgirls. 

Children should never be forced to undress in the presence of the opposite sex. It violates their safety, privacy, and harms their dignity. Regardless of a presidential edict to the contrary, this is common sense.

Parents have had enough.

Alaskans have had enough.

I, the undersigned, call on Governor Bill Walker, Attorney General Craig Richards and all Alaska elected officials to utilize the full authority of their offices to challenge this extreme mandate. Action must be taken to protect our children. 


(Your Name)

Who's signing

Dan and Sandy Lee
David Forrest
Ginger Olson
Cleve I. Noble Jr
Chris Bena
Cathy Tobias-Anderson
Rhonda Hubbard
Ted Baker
Shonda Powell
Doug VanWingerden
Scott Rees
Ward Hurlburt IV
Amanda Harne
Valerie Gilligan
Loren and Carolyn Leman
Loyd Moss
Stephen Holmstock
Robin Nielsen
Patricia Wagner
Susan Francis
Merianne Merrill
Jesus Benavides
Sandy Borges
Julia Spencer
Patricia Jones
Gary and Kathy Moore
Jana Kennedy
Therice Crowther
Maria Stanszus
1,293 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 962 reactions

  • Dan and Sandy Lee
    signed 2016-06-03 13:23:40 -0800
  • David Forrest
    signed 2016-06-03 13:23:27 -0800
  • Ginger Olson
    signed 2016-06-03 13:15:14 -0800
  • Cleve I. Noble Jr
    signed 2016-06-03 11:33:36 -0800
  • Chris Bena
    signed via 2016-06-03 10:03:09 -0800
  • Cathy Tobias-Anderson
    signed 2016-06-03 09:50:36 -0800
  • Rhonda Hubbard
    signed 2016-06-03 09:20:18 -0800
    This whole movement is so unfortunate. It is taking an abnormal inclination and sanitizing it, re-branding it, then determined to transform it into something as normal. Society needs to wake up to this deception.
  • Ted Baker
    signed 2016-06-03 09:17:40 -0800
    Our Alaska Public and school officials have a DUTY to protect the safety, privacy, and dignity of all students in public schools. True predators have already been capitalizing on this misguided “mandate” by the Obama Administration.

    Parents concerned about how sexuality is being taught to their children MUST be given a voice & be the determining factor for how or if these “gender identity” issues are taught.
  • Shonda Powell
    signed 2016-06-03 08:30:25 -0800
  • Doug VanWingerden
    signed 2016-06-03 08:21:20 -0800
  • Scott Rees
    signed 2016-06-03 07:31:42 -0800
    Scott Rees
  • Ward Hurlburt IV
    signed 2016-06-03 07:28:04 -0800
  • Amanda Harne
    signed via 2016-06-03 06:27:14 -0800
  • Valerie Gilligan
    signed 2016-06-03 00:40:30 -0800
  • Loren and Carolyn Leman
    signed 2016-06-03 00:05:26 -0800
  • Dave Taryn
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-06-02 23:32:42 -0800
    Sign the petition: Petition: Protect Our Children and Our Schools
  • Loyd Moss
    signed 2016-06-02 23:17:19 -0800
    Wake up and do what’s right in God’s eye’s,not in perverted men’s eye’s.
  • Stephen Holmstock
    signed 2016-06-02 23:09:17 -0800
    Stephen Holmstock
  • Robin Nielsen
    signed 2016-06-02 22:54:25 -0800
  • Patricia Wagner
    signed 2016-06-02 22:25:42 -0800
    Thank you for all you do. I hope America wakes up before it is too late. God has so blessed America and we continue to turn our backs to HIS teachings and warnings. Back to basics. What can be more basic and truthful in telling us how to live than the Bible? In the whole scheme of life, we must remember what God will ask us when we meet HIM face to face. As policemen remind us, ignorance is no defense in breaking the law. God does not care what car you drive, how big your home is, or how much money you make. He will want to know what you did with everything HE gave us. Whatsoever you do…..
  • Susan Francis
    signed 2016-06-02 22:01:51 -0800
    Steve and Sue Francis
  • Merianne Merrill
    signed via 2016-06-02 21:46:47 -0800
    Marianne Merrill
  • Jesus Benavides
    signed 2016-06-02 21:45:36 -0800
  • Sandy Borges
    signed 2016-06-02 21:43:00 -0800
  • Julia Spencer
    signed 2016-06-02 20:39:36 -0800
  • Patricia Jones
    signed 2016-06-02 20:29:42 -0800
    The Department of Education, both federally and statewide have far exceeded their authority by attempting to remove parents from one of their primary roles which is to raise their children…it is not the school’s job to house, feed or decide moral issues for students.

    The insertion of education personnel into these areas of family life is wildly inappropriate behavior, perhaps designed to confiscate greater taxpayer dollars dumped into the Department of Education coffers. The infamous Jimmy Carter Department of Education is another gross failure.
  • Gary and Kathy Moore
    signed 2016-06-02 19:42:41 -0800
    This is a no brainer!
  • Jana Kennedy
    signed 2016-06-02 18:51:53 -0800
  • Therice Crowther
    signed 2016-06-02 18:47:09 -0800
  • Maria Stanszus
    signed 2016-06-02 18:31:54 -0800