US Senate Primary Candidate Voter Guide Survey Responses

We have collected responses from Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan, and Joe Miller for our 2014 voter guide survey. Discover where each candidate stands on important issues:

Showing 2 reactions

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  • Franklin Blodgett
    commented 2014-07-28 13:37:12 -0800
    All three candidates have a much stronger stand on moral issues than the Democratic senator. In the primary I will vote for the one that I believe has the strongest stand towards Israel, but will have no trouble voting for whoever wins the primary.
  • Bill Topel
    commented 2014-07-28 13:01:12 -0800
    Thank you so much, Alaska Family Action, for conducting this candidate survey for the U.S. Senate GOP Primary. It appears that Joe Miller is the only 100% Pro-Life, Pro-Family candidate of the three, so he will get my vote on August 19, 2014. Thank you again AFA! :-)