This is an urgent request to join us this coming Tuesday, July 28th at Noon at the far west end of the Park Strip in downtown Anchorage as we join more than 50 other U.S. cities having rallies in response to the recent Planned Parenthood videos showing top executives callously negotiating over the sale of pre-born baby parts.
Several Governors and State Attorney Generals have started investigations but it is crucially important to bring people together to call attention to this atrocity and hold this TAXPAYER-FUNDED organizational accountable. Students for Life is the national organizing group and we're honored to link arms with them. Local speakers are being finalized today. Please share this as far and wide as you can with your place of worship and encourage everyone you know to attend. As our friends and ministry partners at Alliance Defending Freedom have rightfully identified, this may indeed be a tipping point that brings this organization to it's knees.
Click HERE and get the word out to your friends and family and associates. It's time to step up and let our voices be heard !
WomenBetrayed Rally !
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