Yes We Do

itsnottoolate.jpgYes we do need year-end gifts.

No it's not too late to make a donation in 2013 and still get your tax deduction.

You can make a gift on-line by clicking here.

You can mail a donation to 
Alaska Family Council/Action
PO Box 231425
Anchorage, AK  99523
As long as the envelope is postmarked and the check written by December 31st, 2013, you will receive your tax deduction for this year.

You can call our office in Anchorage at 907-279-2825 before 8pm tomorrow night, December 31st, and make a contribution over the phone.

However you choose to contribute, and whatever amount, although we hope you will choose your most generous year end gift, please know that we will do everything we can to stand for your values, fight for your rights and hold elected officials accountable when it comes to issues affecting life, marriage, religious liberty, school choice and parental rights - right here in Alaska.

Please know how much your support is needed and appreciated.  New Year's Blessings to you and yours !


Jim Minnery

Standing for Families, 
In His name! 

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