Engaging Gays

This article by Harvest USA is a few years old but it's application and truths are timeless.  We can all benefit from following its advice and being more acutely aware of how we are in His grip.

Mercy.jpgEngaging Our Gay Friends, Relatives and Colleagues

It seems that homosexuality has embraced our culture and the culture has embraced homosexuality. It is a part of the fallen nature of things, that man has always been an expert at creating ingenuous ways to celebrate his brokenness. So, men and women in the gay life have no corner on this. Apart from faith in Christ and submission to the authority of Scripture, we are all experts at rationalizing and justifying what we want to do. The more we live, in any way, outside of God’s design, the more we convince ourselves that what we are doing is OK. This happens on both an individual level and a corporate, cultural level. Homosexuality is not the only thing that was once considered unacceptable or immoral, but later is embraced by the culture (consider abortion and sex outside of marriage). 

Scripture says we’re all a mess and that we all need forgiveness and cleansing. Biblically speaking, we’re all in the same boat. We all need the same medicine of the gospel to free us from whatever attachments or idols we cling to--- from whatever we have decided “gives us life” apart from Christ. This realization about ourselves should bring to us a growing compassion for others. Believers in Christ should be the first ones to acknowledge that we still pursue our own personal idols, and it is only by the persistent work of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we become aware of our own sin and the need to repent of it. 

Homosexuality is one of those topics that draws intense and passionate reactions. Complex issues of the heart usually do. Christians are in a sort of no-man’s-land here today.   Suggesting to those who have embraced the current cultural position that homosexuality is sinful and not part of God’s design for sexuality appears as uneducated, homophobic and ridiculous. On the other hand, though, suggesting to fellow evangelical believers that God loves and forgives sinners who struggle with homosexuality and that we should do the same may appear compromising and wishy-washy. 

While we can oppose the advancement of a social movement that would encourage everyone to embrace this cultural shift by vocalizing our concerns and participating in the political process, for Christians a far deeper response to homosexuality and the gay community is needed. When believers proclaim the gospel of Christ both to gays and to the culture at large in a loving, redemptive manner, punctuated with “grace and truth,” this sets us apart and truly reflects the person of Christ. In such a heated and increasingly emotionalized debate, Christians have a responsibility to represent Christ to a fallen world in four ways. 

Patiently Listen

"Let every person be quick to hear” (James 1:9).  This doesn’t mean looking for loopholes in a debate or seeking a chance to criticize and find fault as you talk about this issue. We must listen in order to understand the “heart thrust” of what a person is saying. This is hard work, a relational skill to be learned. It’s not natural. It takes practice. Listen to what moves other people. Listen for their passions, what they value, what their experience has been (especially with other Christians) and what they fear.

Swift_to_Hear.jpgThe more you understand a person’s point of view, the more you can profit from it. Why do they think the way they do? What events have led up to their adopting their worldview? What’s been their experience of Christianity—of other Christians or the church in general? What wounds from their family of origin and from other people lie festering in the background? As adults, we’re a composite of all these things—upbringing, personal wounds, cultural norms and our own heart-generated responses to these powerful, shaping influences. Get to know the persons you are talking to so that you truly know who they are. Otherwise, we tend to conveniently lump them into a group, label them on the basis of what we read in the news, and think this is “knowing” them. 

Personally Repent

“Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans? . . . No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:1-5). Only a redeemed sinner, knowing he stands condemned apart from Christ’s death on the cross, can reach a sinner who doesn’t know he needs redeeming. What’s your motivation when you engage someone with the gospel? Is it to reach lost people with the enduring love that has found you out--- a love that has exposed you as a cut-throat and depraved sinner and yet has embraced you with fatherly love? Is it your own awareness that, at heart, you’re a sham, a misfit, a counterfeit, a phony and that there is nothing good inside you to warrant God’s love, yet He still died in your place to make you whole? Do you really care about homosexuals, as men and women who need the love of Christ, or do you only want them to shut up and disappear? Remember that Jesus said, “He who is forgiven little, loves little” (Luke 7:47). If you have no love for gays, then you have not understood the forgiving love of Jesus in your own life.  
Patiently listening and personally repenting also means loving those who are different, who believe differently. Gays have long been “demonized” by Christians, held up as the examples of the worst kind of people. This is grossly unfair and unloving, not to mention grossly unbiblical. No single group of people corners the market on sinful behavior outside of God’s design. There is simply no place for believers to verbally demean or physically abuse gays. If your neighbor or colleague proclaimed to you that he didn’t believe in God, would you go around mocking him? 

Kindness.jpgGently Instruct

“The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone . . . correcting his opponents with gentleness” (2 Tim. 2:22-25). How do you talk to people who don’t believe what you do? An argumentative, win-at-all-costs approach does not conform to what Paul wrote to Timothy. You need to ask the Holy Spirit to instruct your own heart as you instruct others. Engaging someone “with gentleness” does not mean being weak or vacillating in your argument; it means treating everyone with respect and dignity even when they persistently disagree. An unloving and impatient heart is a hindrance to the gospel message. The Lord’s command to us through the words of Paul teaches us here: “to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.”
“Gently instruct” also means that your words must be grounded in the truth of Scripture, not your own opinion. The real issue regarding what Scripture says about homosexuality is not about whether the key passages are culturally relevant anymore, but whether Scripture in its entirety still has authority over all of life. It should always be the truths of Scripture, and not our demeanor or presentation of it, that people reject.

Do you really care about homosexuals --- or do you only want them to shut up and disappear?

Talking to those who are blind to the reality of their hearts but who live in a world that applauds their sin is both a privilege and a challenge. They are victims of their own sin and the lies and sin of others. Therefore, they’re caught. But they’re also accountable before a holy God for their continued choice to live life on their own terms and not submit their lives to the Lordship of Christ. We must represent both aspects of the truth as we share Christ. 

Mercifully Pursue and then Engage the Heart

“Have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire, hating even the garment stained by the flesh” (Jude 22-23). God calls us to be neither reclusive nor rude, but to move boldly into confusing, high-stakes situations with the gospel of God’s mercy.  
We bring the gospel where it is most needed: to the vocally anti-Christian pro-gay activist, to the mild-mannered clergy who says the love of Jesus means affirming homosexuality as God’s gift, to the confused and scared teenager who fears he’s gay and there’s no other option. Showing mercy means practically caring for people. It means being patiently and persistently available to help those who live in a fallen world. It means lovingly holding our ground against those who say that our beliefs are hateful. 

We must not wilt from the irrational heat of those who say that we are hateful bigots merely on the basis that we do not agree with their beliefs. 
whats_your_story.jpgAs we do this, we’re able to move into other people’s worlds. Engaging people by asking good questions, respectfully, is an important part of this.   I once approached a man who was marching in a gay rally. Subsequently, I had a two-hour conversation that ended with this man shaking my hand and thanking me for stopping him--- in spite of the fact that I shared the gospel with him! I had listened to him, heard his concerns and engaged his heart with matters important to him. Didn’t Jesus do the same?
My approach appealed to his heart. Listening, asking questions, and engaging people with respect, even if we have fundamental differences, gets people into their story more quickly than anything else. When we take time to get people into their stories, they become more open to us and to the gospel.
Jesus, of course, was the master of all that I’ve just described. We should be, too. His methods are the most under-utilized and missed aspects of evangelism. They also make the deepest and most heart-felt impact, often leaving people wanting more!
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Conservative Campaign Training Next Week Filling Up - Register NOW

American_Majority_Logo.jpgOne of the essential goals of our ministry is to get more pro-family Alaskans elected. Locally. Statewide. Federally.

In order to get our state and country more aligned with policies that protect and defend innocent human life, strengthen marriage, assure religious liberties and safeguard parental rights, we simply need more leaders who are willing to step up and create change.

Some of those people are already in office and need help keeping their seats.  Others are challenging an incumbent or putting their names in the ring for the very first time.  

Either way, most often, they'll be facing stiff competitive races and need all the help they can get to position themselves and attract the votes that will get them in office.

The Alaska Family Council is privileged to lock arms with American Majority in bringing up their exemplary New Leaders Campaign Training for the first time to Alaska. 

Taking place in Anchorage at the Loussac Library on Friday, October 25th and in Fairbanks at the Westmark Hotel on Saturday, October 26th, these will be exceptional opportunities for those who are ready to translate their passions for freedom into real-world change in our communities and state.  Seating will be limited so please CLICK HERE now to register for these top notch training opportunities for candidates, campaign managers and activists.

nedryun.jpgFounded by Ned Ryun, the current President, the American Majority is a "non-partisan political training institute whose mission is to identify and mold the next wave of liberty-minded candidates, grassroots activists and community leaders. Under Ryun’s leadership, American Majority has trained nearly 25,000 candidates and activists since January 2009, conducting 720 in-person trainings in an unprecedented national effort to recruit new community leaders. Ned also conceived of the nation’s first Training Bomb to help train and mobilize the conservative grassroots.

A former writer for President George W. Bush and the son of former Olympic medalist and U.S. Rep. Jim Ryun (R-KS), Ned Ryun is highly sought after for his commentary on Tea Party politics, the national political scene, grassroots engagement and the conservative movement in general.

Prior to launching American Majority, Ryun founded and directed Generation Joshua, a civics education program for middle and high school students that reached a membership of nearly 10,000. Ryun graduated with Highest Distinction (summa cum laude) from the University of Kansas with degrees in English and History. Together with his father and twin brother, Drew, he also authored Heroes Among Us and The Courage to Run.

Again, Alaska Family Council is privileged to partner with such an outstanding organization and give public-minded citizens an opportunity to sharpen their skills and reach farther.

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Foster Care Forum in Anchorage

Alaska Family Council/Action is privileged to pass along the following announcement from the Church of Anchorage regarding an opportunity for church and ministry leaders and families to learn more about the critical need for adopting foster kids here in our state.  

adoption.jpg"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

God has been moving in people throughout our churches to engage with children in foster care throughout Anchorage.

The Alaska "Fostering Hope Forum" is scheduled for Friday, November 1, 2013 on the campus of Wayland Baptist University in Anchorage. This forum offers something for anyone who is interested in getting information on foster care: Church Ministries, Social Services or families interested in or already serving foster children. This is an exciting opportunity to see how God works through His people to change the trajectory of at-risk children and families.

There will be a special concert by Jimmy Wayne at 7:00 pm following the forum. (Note that the concert will be taking place at Faith Christian Community.)

Please REGISTER yourself and others from your church or organization TODAY! Let's increase the number of church leaders and people in Alaska who are interested in foster parenting, adopting children, and supporting those who do! Let's show how the Church can make a difference in this area.

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Have "Right View" of Homosexuality or You're Fired

Unwelcome_Mat.jpgOften times those who disagree with us can provide perfect clarity on very divisive issues. In this article written recently in The Atlantic, the columnist says right from the get-go that "Christianity's insistence on treating homosexuality as a sin strikes me as a tragic, historic mistake" and that "homosexuality is both natural and inborn; ...and that opposing even civil unions is a morally objectionable position."

Fairly clear so far that we have a different view of sexuality.

The article however, written in opposition to Fox Sports recent decision to let go college football analyst Craig James over statements he made in a Texas bid for U.S. Senate regarding marriage, is full of truthful statements that should resonate with all Americans, regardless of their view on homosexuality. 

How about this one - "Twenty years ago, when gay equality was an outlying position and prejudice against gays was the norm, I would've regarded it as imprudent and unjust to fire a college football analyst because he favored gay marriage or declared homosexuality not sinful. Today, I am every bit as convinced that it's imprudent and unjust to fire someone for calling gay marriage unwise and homosexuality sinful. These aren't remarks that he made on air, while doing his job."

Or this one - "A network would be justified in firing a sports broadcaster for expressing controversial moral or political views during an entertainment telecast that had nothing to do with the subject. But to not hire someone for prior remarks made amid civic debate, and that are indistinguishable from the position taken by almost half of all Americans at the time?"

And finally - "America is always going to be a diverse country that encompasses people with very different political views and moral values. In order to get along, despite our differences, it is useful to debate divisive issues openly through the civic process, and to establish spheres where what divides us is set aside as irrelevant. Fox Sports's actions undermine society's ability to do both things."

Craig.James.jpgBy firing Craig James, Fox Sports is making a very disturbing statement that unless you have a specific view on homosexuality, you are UNWELCOME and UNEMPLOYABLE.  As the writer of The Atlantic article so aptly states, "Do we really want a country where employment is predicated on an investigation of one's political and religious beliefs to make sure that, on matters totally unrelated to the job, you've never said anything deemed unacceptable?"

If your answer is NO to that question, regardless of where you stand on the moral issue of homosexuality, CLICK HERE and let Fox Sports know directly that this kind of action is intolerance in it's truest form and is unacceptable in a pluralistic society. 

As more and more of these types of stories surface, our hope is that rational citizens on both sides of this issue will realize we simply can't continue down this path.


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Quiet Progress

CitizenLink.jpgIn July, Alaska Family Action quietly reached an important milestone.  We didn’t make a big deal about it.  There was no fanfare.  In fact, the significance of this development wouldn’t be obvious to most people.

But as one of our faithful supporters, I wanted to share this good news with you, and reflect on what it means for our efforts in Alaska.

Since our organization was founded in 2007, we’ve worked hard to become formally recognized as a state “family policy council” by CitizenLink - the public advocacy arm of the nation’s largest and best-known pro-family organization, Focus on the Family

In July, we joined the ranks of 36 other state groups when we became “fully associated” with CitizenLink / Focus on the Family.  The following statement from the CitizenLink website explains the purpose of the family policy councils:

"These councils are independent entities with no corporate or financial relationship to each other or to Focus on the Family.  However, they have a uniform purpose: serving as a voice for the family and assisting advocates for family ideals who aim to recapture the moral and intellectual high ground in the public arena."

What a great statement to describe our mission! I'm certainly inspired by this vision and I’m sure it’s what motivates you to support our work.

A state group must meet some very tough standards, especially in the area of financial stability, in order to be recognized as an associated family policy council of CitizenLink/Focus on the Family.

There’s a valid reason for that: Focus on the Family sees an urgent need for every state to have a strong, stable pro-family advocacy group that can endure for the long run.

The issues we are confronting – from defending life to protecting marriage to safeguarding religious freedom – are so crucial and complex they can’t be adequately dealt with by “fly-by-night” groups that crop up only during election years and disappear thereafter.

The battle to protect our values is a 24/7 and 365 days a year type of job, and it demands a group that can persevere for the long haul.

I’m very pleased that CitizenLink/Focus on the Family have expressed this level of confidence in Alaska Family Council and Alaska Family Action, our legislative advocacy arm.

I’m also very aware – and grateful – that this achievement would not have been possible without your financial investment and the grace of God.  All that you and I have accomplished, working together, belongs to Him. Without Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5)

I’m sometimes asked - How does being associated with Focus on the Family and CitizenLink help us accomplish our mission in Alaska?  I can best sum it up in one word: access.

As an associated group, we have access to national experts in various fields:

  • Policy experts who can help us craft legislation to protect life and the family
  • Legal experts who can help us understand court decisions, and help with strategies to counteract lawsuits filed by anti-life and anti-family groups like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU
  • Political campaign experts who can teach us how to best hold politicians and judges accountable during election years
  • Public opinion researchers who can help us understand and properly respond to various trends in the way people think about issues like abortion and marriage;

But perhaps the greatest benefit of being associated with Focus on the Family is that I have the opportunity to strategize with my “peer group” – my fellow presidents of other state-level groups.

It’s hard to overstate the benefits of being able to consult and share information and ideas with other state leaders who are confronting the same issues and challenges that we’re dealing with in Alaska.

What being fully associated doesn’t mean is that we receive any financial subsidy from the national group.  In fact, CitizenLink places a high priority on the state groups being financially independent, so that 100 percent of the funds we raise from our Alaska donors are used to help advance the pro-family cause within our state.

whatif.jpgI’ve been reflecting about how our state is a better place, because of the existence of Alaska Family Council and Alaska Family Action. Consider that in the absence of this mission, the following achievements would have never happened –

  1. The teen abortion rate is dramatically lower because we successfully passed a statewide initiative to require parental notification before an abortion can be performed on a minor.
  2. We protected religious liberty in our state’s largest city when we defeated Proposition 5 in Anchorage, which would have made it illegal for anyone to object to homosexual behavior in the operations of their schools, businesses, and religious ministries.
  3. We helped elect new pro-family lawmakers through our “Reclaiming Juneau” project, which finally brought an end to the liberal coalition in the Senate that had blocked and killed all pro-life and pro-family bills for several years.
  4. Because we ended the liberal regime in the Senate, we were able to successfully pass legislation this year in the Senate that would eliminate state funding for most abortions in Alaska.  (We aim to get this passed by the House in 2014).
  5. We made a strong statement to public officials about protecting traditional marriage when we won a statewide advisory vote in 2007 that called for the employment-related benefits of marriage (retirement benefits, health, etc.) to be reserved for married couples and not extended to homosexual partnerships.
  6. We made the first serious efforts in Alaska history to throw out liberal, anti-family judges with our high-profile campaigns to fire Justice Dana Fabe and Judge Sen Tan.  Though we fell short in the vote count, we started a long overdue conversation about the critical need to reform our judicial system and hold judges accountable for outrageous rulings that have no basis in the law or constitution.

The purpose of reflecting on these accomplishments from past years is not to “rest on our laurels.”  Instead, it’s to remind ourselves of what is possible when we dare to act courageously, and when we push ourselves to the limit to achieve worthy and noble goals.

Although it’s only September, we are already preparing ourselves for a very busy 2014.  The start of the next legislative session is barely more than four months away, and the session will quickly be followed by a very busy election year with races for state legislature, Governor, Senate, and U.S. House.

We’re going to continue our efforts to eliminate state funding of abortions, prepare ourselves for anticipated attacks on traditional marriage, and lay the groundwork for our involvement in the 2014 elections.

Make-a-Gift-Today-Button.jpgI’d be very grateful if you could make another financial investment in Alaska Family Action to help us make progress on all these fronts.

The financial health of this ministry is often the key determining factor in whether we choose to take on a particular battle – or not.

I’ve shared in this letter some of the accomplishments that we’re most proud of.  But I also have a memory of certain issues or battles over the years that we chose not to engage in, because we knew we lacked the financial strength to make a difference in the outcome.

Those are tough decisions to make – because I want to engage in every battle where there’s a big stake in the outcome.  But that isn’t always possible.

In Luke 14, Jesus teaches about the cost of discipleship and offers this admonition: “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

Your generous support is what allows us to discern what issues we can successfully tackle, and where we have the best chance of making the greatest difference to protect life, family, and our freedoms.

I’d be grateful for any contribution that you can make at this time, especially if you are in a position to join us as a monthly partner.  

I’d also ask you to join me in prayer that the favor of God will rest upon our work (Psalm 90) and that we would always present the Truth in a manner that Glorifies Him and demonstrates "kindness, forbearance and patience." Romans 2:4

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New Scouting Option and Abortion Clinic Closures

Trail_Life_USA_Logo.jpgTrail Life USA has officially launched as an alternative to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization in unnecessary disarray following its decision to unhinge itself from its moral foundations regarding sexuality. Although BSA still does not allow gays to serve as leaders, it is clear that there are real-world legal ramifications for those who choose to stay.

Alaska Family Council/Action is pleased to encourage you to visit Trail Life USA's new website and determine for yourself the type of organization you want to have your child in.  We are grateful that there is now another faith-based scouting option that will have its footing on solid ground as opposed to changing its policies based on political correctness and funding streams.  Click HERE for more information on the Inaugural Convention of Trail Life USA.


One of the best untold stories of the past year is the fact that abortion clinics are being closed in unprecedented numbers across the country.  In Anchorage, a former abortion clinic is now occupied byCPC Pregnancy Center - a ministry providing compassionate care to those facing unexpected pregnancies. In 2013, there have been 44 clinics across the country that have closed their doors.

According to a recent article in Christianity Today, "the reasons given for the upswing in closings are varied even among pro-lifers. They include:

- the increasing state regulation and oversight of clinics;

- a growth in pro-life opinion and activity, and

- a significant decline in the abortion rate.

In some cases, clinics have shut down when abortion doctors retired or were no longer licensed. " Regardless of the reasons, it is clear that the abortion business is on the decline and for that we can be truly grateful.  Grateful for the unborn lives saved.  Grateful for the heartaches avoided.  Grateful for the opportunity to speak truth with love to those who are hurting and in need of help and grace - as we all are.

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Campaign Training Will Give Conservatives an Edge To Compete

One of the essential goals of our ministry is to get more pro-family Alaskans elected. Locally. Statewide. Federally.

Alaska_Trainings.jpgIn order to get our state and country more aligned with policies that protect and defend innocent human life, strengthen marriage, assure religious liberties and safeguard parental rights, we simply need more leaders who are willing to step up and create change.

Some of those people are already in office and need help keeping their seats.  Others are challenging an incumbent or putting their names in the ring for the very first time.  

Either way, most often, they'll be facing stiff competitive races and need all the help they can get to position themselves and attract the votes that will get them in office.

The Alaska Family Council is privileged to lock arms with American Majority in bringing up their exemplary New Leaders Campaign Training for the first time to Alaska. 

Taking place in Anchorage at the Loussac Library on Friday, October 25th and in Fairbanks at the Westmark Hotel on Saturday, October 26th, these will be exceptional opportunities for those who are ready to translate their passions for freedom into real-world change in our communities and state.  Seating will be limited so please CLICK HERE now to register for these top notch training opportunities for candidates, campaign managers and activists.

nedryun.jpgFounded by Ned Ryun, the current President, the American Majority is a "non-partisan political training institute whose mission is to identify and mold the next wave of liberty-minded candidates, grassroots activists and community leaders. Under Ryun’s leadership, American Majority has trained nearly 25,000 candidates and activists since January 2009, conducting 720 in-person trainings in an unprecedented national effort to recruit new community leaders. Ned also conceived of the nation’s first Training Bomb to help train and mobilize the conservative grassroots.

A former writer for President George W. Bush and the son of former Olympic medalist and U.S. Rep. Jim Ryun (R-KS), Ned Ryun is highly sought after for his commentary on Tea Party politics, the national political scene, grassroots engagement and the conservative movement in general.

Prior to launching American Majority, Ryun founded and directed Generation Joshua, a civics education program for middle and high school students that reached a membership of nearly 10,000. Ryun graduated with Highest Distinction (summa cum laude) from the University of Kansas with degrees in English and History. Together with his father and twin brother, Drew, he also authored Heroes Among Us and The Courage to Run.

Again, Alaska Family Council is privileged to partner with such an outstanding organization and give public-minded citizens an opportunity to sharpen their skills and reach farther. 

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Still Time To RSVP for Biblical Indiana Jones Reception TONITE

Last_Minute.jpgThere is still time for you to send us a last minute RSVP and join us for a fundraising reception for and fellowship with Alaska Family Council/Action at the home of Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell on TONITE, September 7th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Please call 907-317-7268 to RSVP. The address is 528 N Street in downtown Anchorage close to Elderberry Park. Our special guest will be Bob Cornuke with BASE Institute (Bible Archeology Search & Exploration).  Bob is known internationally as the Biblical "Indiana Jones" and was the keynote speaker for the 2010 Alaska Governors Prayer Breakfast.  

Suggested donation per guest is $100. Our hope is to get 100 guests and raise $10,000 to make up for the slow summer months that are typical for ministries.

Bob Cornuke--a former police investigator and SWAT team member--is a biblical investigator, international explorer and author of eight books.  He has participated in over thirty expeditions around the world searching for lost locations described in the Bible. His journeys include searching for Mount Sinai in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, looking for the remains of Noah's Ark in Turkey with astronaut Jim Irwin (the eighth man to walk on the moon) and researching ancient Assyrian and Babylonian flood accounts in Iran. BASE_Image.jpeg

During this special evening, Bob will demonstrate how secular college professors and "scholars" have been undermining Biblical teachings and the faith of our youth. As these assaults have increased, more and more college-aged young adults are walking away from their faith traditions. Bob will provide fascinating stories about the archeological expeditions he's been on around the world that have affirmed Biblical authority and equip us on how to give our youth today the confidence they need to defend their faith.

With limited capacity, we do need to know if you plan on attending. You can make your donation at the reception. Hope to see you at Mead Treadwell's place on TONITE, September 7th for a great evening of fellowship.

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"Rehabilitate" Your View on Marriage or Else

SweetCakesByMelissa.jpgThis story has to "take the cake" for sheer honesty by a public official regarding the issue of homosexuality and religious liberty in the public square.  

Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a bakery owned by Christians in Gresham, Oregon, is finally shutting it's doors after months of harassment, protests and a vicious boycott by homosexual activists after they refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. 

After threatening other vendors that even did business with the bakery, gay-rights activists eventually convinced the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries to launch a formal discrimination investigation against the Christian family.

Commissioner Brad Avakian told The Oregonian that he was committed to a fair and thorough investigation to determine whether the bakery discriminated against the lesbians.

“Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,” he told the newspaper. “The goal is to rehabilitate."

That's right. If you hold a traditional, natural view of marriage that is made up of an actual husband and wife, you need to be "rehabilitated" and they are willing to shut your business down if you refuse.  Forget the fact that there were other bakeries that would have gladly made the wedding cake.  This issue is that homosexual activists are at a place now that they cannot tolerate diverse views on sexuality.  

As this article demonstrates, this is just one of multiple and growing numbers of cases across the country where people are being asked to check their belief system at their house of worship or stay out of the public marketplace.

As we demonstrated during our successful effort to stop Proposition 5 in Anchorage, Alaskans have the ability to demonstrate tolerance while still cherishing and protecting the religious liberties that are foundational to our way of life and to our nation's origin.

With the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling regarding gay "marriage", we can expect many more assaults on our personal freedoms in the coming months and years. Be thankful we have defined marriage in our own Alaska State Constitution as a union between one man and one woman and stay educated as we defend our rights with grace and humility.

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Fundraisers and Friends

We've received a few comments and others have made mention in the media lately that the fundraiser we're holding on Saturday, September 7th at the home of Mead Treadwell implies that Alaska Family Action has endorsed him for U.S. Senator.  Although it might make good gossip - it is inaccurate.

We simply asked him to host a fundraiser for us because he is a friend of the ministry and has been for years. He has held several functions in his home over the years for Alaska Family Council/Action including two events in support of our successful parental notification initiative in 2010 that gave parents the right to be informed when their teenage daughters are considering an abortion. 

For the record, Alaska Family Action will NOT be endorsing any candidate in the primary election for United States Senate.  We consider Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller allies and we're looking forward to a healthy and robust campaign from both. Don't be surprised if we have a fundraising reception in support of our ministry in the Fairbanks area at the Miller home some time down the road. On issues of family, faith and freedom, we need to come together as often as possible.Ron_and_Tip.jpg

Regarding those who've assumed that the Lt. Governor's friendship with Senator Murkowski means they share political views, I'd ask you to consider how Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill were able to enjoy an authentic friendship despite real differences in policy. Word has it that O'Neill went to the hospital after Reagan was shot and they prayed together.

For those keeping track, Governor Parnell, former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman, former Governor Palin, gubernatorial candidate Bill Walker, U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller and U.S. Congressman Young have each hosted fundraisers for this ministry.  The only one we've ever endorsed is Joe Miller against Senator Murkowski.  

On a personal level, I've kept and made friendships with many who do not agree with Alaska Family Action and my life is better because of it and my convictions are as strong as ever. 

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